Hello it’s your hosts(boiiiissss) James and Edward. Listen as we bring you a potpourri variety show as we review anything that we desire for fun nonsense ranging from music to television shows (seasonal or one off reviews),movies and more. Always a rad show, enjoy friends~!
Sunday Jul 11, 2021
DDD Radio Show: Episode 53 Cradle 2 The Grave
Sunday Jul 11, 2021
Sunday Jul 11, 2021
Time Stamps: Edward roasting James death metal band 13:40, Cradle 2 The Grave 44:20
Loyal listening homies we're back today with a one off movie special why? Cause we fucking can. In sort of a tribute to Hip Hop/Rap superstar DMX we review 2003 action brain junk food awesomeness galore "Cradle 2 the Grave". A movie starring the late great (but not a really good role model) DMX and Hong Kong movie legend Jet Li! Bro this is fun good cheesy time except Tom Arnold cringy bad character. Rad show as always, enjoy.
P.S. a link to James death metal band bandcamp page: https://corpsethrower.bandcamp.com/album/live-from-the-chainsaw-cavern
Saturday Jul 03, 2021
Saturday Jul 03, 2021
Time Stamps: Pearl Jam 8:10, Football 36:54, Wrestling 1:04:00
Listeners we're back today with another packed episode. We start things with a review of Pearl Jams "Ten" their debut classic full length. Then we review Dark Side of Footballs " Why Can't the Browns Win". Why Can't the Browns win? A mystery that DDD crew might be able to solve. And for your MAIN EVENT we bring you our review of Dark Side of the Ring episode of Dynamite Kid. Basically the episode turns into horror movie at some point. Rad show as always, enjoy.
Wednesday Jun 30, 2021
Wednesday Jun 30, 2021
Time Stamps: Slayer Nu Metal album 27:00, Football 43:50, Wrestling 1:09:20
Hello listeners we're FINALLY back to normalish over here at the Danger camp. James had his laptop stolen and couldn't upload what was supposed to be this episode so we had to redo this bad boy but not as much in detail. But we bring you a quick review on FUCKIN SLAYERRRR infamous nu metal Diablous In Musica. Then we talk about what has been (at the moment of this recording and our viewing) the best episode so far for Dark Side of Football "Playing With Pain". A good insight on how shitty the NFL environment is. And for you MAIN EVENT Dark Side of the Ring " In The Shadow of Grizzly Smith". Yeah homies nothing good to say, Grizzly Smith is a pedophile manipulative piece of dog shit. Rad DDD radio show as always, enjoy.
Wednesday Jun 23, 2021
DDD Radio Show: Episode 50 CUMCAST SPECIAL
Wednesday Jun 23, 2021
Wednesday Jun 23, 2021
Listeners life has been hectic in over here at the DDD Radio Show camp, but we bring you a late night (recorded) special for our 50th episode. THE CUMCAST SPECIAL. A podcast of filth and embarrassment. The name basically describes this experimental attempt for an podcast episode. Rad show as always, enjoy. (Main co host Edward couldn't make it at 2am in the mourning)
Saturday Jun 05, 2021
Saturday Jun 05, 2021
Time Stamps: Iced Earth 2:25, Football 28:20, Wrestling 1:09:12
Listeners we're back today after our delay cause of James vacation with another heavy set episode. We start things off with finishing our journey listening to Iced Earth's studio discography with Incorruptible an actually good album and then make then make the DDD radio show list of best to worst Iced Earth albums. Then we review Dark Side of Football's Once a Raider, Always a Raider a fun episode talking about one of the meanest and dirtiest teams in NFL history. Was this episode finally dark? And for your MAIN EVENT we review Dark Side of the Ring Becoming Warrior. A episode that talks about Ultimate Warrior through the eyes of his first wife. What was the Warrior's life before he became a pro wrestler? How did the Warrior react to achieving the WWF World Title? Rad show as always, enjoy.
Saturday May 22, 2021
Saturday May 22, 2021
Time Stamps Iced Earth 7:35, Bill Belichick 24:30, Motorsports Cheating 59:50, Collision in Korea 1:06:01
Hello fellow listeners we're back today with another packed episode for your listening delight or disgust. We start this bad boy with another Iced Earth Album Review for Plagues of Babylon a pretty bad album and might be the baddest of them all??? Then we get to the meat of the podcast reviewing the recent episode of Dark Side of Football The Dark Art of Bill Belichick. How did this episode compare to the first one? Was it better than Dark Side of the Ring? Did it bring justice for the life of the DARK SITH LORD OF THE NFL??? And for your MAIN EVENT we review Dark Side of the Ring episode on the event Collision in Korea. An infamous event at the time no one cared about but is historic as one of the few times anyone can actually document what goes down in the Communist 3rd world Country of North Korea. How did the wrestlers react and act in this totalitarian country? Who was almost shot to death? How did the civilians react to pro wrestling? Does Antonio Inoki have the greatest chin anyone has ever SEEEEEEN???? Rad show as always, enjoy?
Saturday May 15, 2021
DDD Radio Show Episode 47: Dark Side of Football VS Dark Side of The Ring
Saturday May 15, 2021
Saturday May 15, 2021
Time Stamps Iced Earth Album Review: 9:10 Chad Johnson 23:20 Nick Gage 1:01:40
Hello listeners we're back today with another exciting episode. Since VICE started a new series Dark Side of Football airing after Dark Side of the Ring we decided to review and compare the 2 in podcast combat. Obviously we start the podcast with another Iced Earth Album Review checking out the album Dystopia. How did the new singer Stu Block do? Was this another boring shitty Iced Earth album? Then we actually start the podcast combat with the first episode of Dark Side of Football the "Wide Receiver Divas". Basically the episode mostly highlighted the career of Chad Johnson or infamously known as OCHOCINCO but also touched on other eccentric players like T.O. and Plaxico Burress gun incident. How was the first episode of the series? How does it compare to Dark Side of the Ring? Then we finish things off talking about the new episode of Dark Side of the Ring "The Ultra Violence of Nick Gage". There's only one way to describe this episode, NICK FUCKING GAGE. Rad show as always enjoy.
Sunday May 09, 2021
Sunday May 09, 2021
Time Stamps: The Prodigy 23:30, Dark Side 46:50
Hello listeners we're back today with another marathon of an episode. We start things talking about life and all that buzz on dogecoin. Then we actually start the podcast with reviewing The Prodigy's The Fat of the Land full length. A pretty rad album for the most part which really leads to a conversation on 90's dance music as a whole. Then for your MAIN EVENT we watched the season premiere of season 3 of Vice's Dark Side Of The Ring two part Brian Pillman Episode. A man who basically went 4D chess during the mid 1990's of the major American wrestling scene. Listen to us awe of him being able to play power players like Eric Bischoff and Vince McMahon. Also listen to our heartbreaks with Brian Pillman's passing as it affected his family. Rad show as always, enjoy.
Sunday May 02, 2021
Sunday May 02, 2021
Time Stamps: Iced Earth 24:00 We Sold Our Souls 39:20
Hello listeners we're back today with another long one as we review another Iced Earth album and then wrap up our journey of watching The Decline of Western Civilization series with some say the possible 4th film of the series. We start things off talking about James experience dealing with the side effects of his 2nd covid vaccine shot then go into a soild conversation of 1997-2001 era WWF. We continue our long boring journey of review the Iced Earth studio albums with The Crucible of Man: Framing Armageddon pt 2, a alright but above boring album. And for your MAIN EVENT we review We Sold Our Souls For Rock And Roll. A Documentary showing Ozzfest 99 and talking all things Ozzy Osbourne and Black Sabbath. Plus we get to see performances of many of the young upcoming Nu Metal bands that would becomes very successful legacy acts. Also some of the most trashiest crowds you may ever lay your eyes on. There's only one way to describe Ozzfest 99........ WHITE BOY SUMMER. Rad show as always enjoy.
Sunday Apr 25, 2021
Sunday Apr 25, 2021
Time Stamps Iced Earth 8:40 Decline 28:22
Well Listeners we're back today continuing on with our journeys of Iced Earth and The Decline of Western Civilization series. To start things off (other than Edward describing the Dragon Ball FighterZ community) we listen and review Framing Armageddon-Something Wicked pt 1 by Iced Earth. And like most Iced Earth album reviews we have done it's another boring basic Iced Earth album but does have an actual story concept that was written. What is it about? How did the album present its story? Why was it 19 songs? And for the MAIN EVENT we review The Decline of Western Civilization part 3. Like the first one it now shows us Los Angeles punk rock scene during the mid 90s as it has now become more politically and brings some peeps from the era of the first film to weigh in on their opinions of the world and the scene today. But it's not just about the music this time. Its about the homeless street/gutter punks of Los Angeles as we take look into their daily lives on how they survive and why they are on the streets in the first place. Not gonna lie this is a depressing film and brings up issues of substance abuse, child abuse, and sexual abuse. Hope you enjoy the podcast.